1.He said soaring food prices provided another rare opportunity for a deal, since European and American farmers are prospering.
2.and I want to, you know, hear, this is one rare opportunity to see actors and a director that I can learn from.
3.Jamie: Hurry up and buy it. It is just a rare opportunity. You should spend some money and try it out.
4.This may be a sad reflection on the modern world, but it also provides aid agencies with a rare opportunity to help those in need.
5.At the beginning of the movement, the Chinese news media had a rare opportunity to broadcast the news without heavy government censorship.
6.However, Tom was so self-confident and so convinced that this was a rare opportunity, he went ahead and made the purchase.
7.I especially wanted to use this rare opportunity of flying solo as a way of proving my own independence.
8.But she persevered: she felt she was offered a rare opportunity to show just how valuable women could be to Korean companies.
9.It was a rare opportunity to give voice to a song usually performed by a soloist.
10.The Health have this rare opportunity, why not Wuqianwugua and happy for a while, to "Just today, regardless of tomorrow" it.